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liebowitz February 16, 2018 01:11

Outflow boundary condition for compressible flow

I am using Fluent to simulate the interaction of a shock with a turbulent boundary layer in a wind tunnel.

My inlet boundary condition is a velocity, while the outlet parameters are not known. This means that the ideal boundary condition to be applied at the exit is an "outlet", which extrapolates pressure from within the domain.

However, I see that Fluent does not allow you to specify this boundary condition for the density-based solver which I am using. I don't really see that any of the other options are possible, since I do not have data at the exit.

Is there any way I can get around this problem?

Thanks in advance

LuckyTran February 16, 2018 10:15

You mean your outlet is supersonic? Otherwise it needs a BC.

If your outlet is supersonic then just a pressure outlet, use any pressure.

liebowitz February 16, 2018 11:56

Yes, the outlet is expected to be supersonic.

Wouldn't the outlet pressure affect how much the flow is accelerated by? Or would you say that my problem is not fully-specified unless I have this data?

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