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bako March 23, 2018 13:44

Line-Rake Surface.jou
I need your help to create a line-rake.jou

I know that For point x.jou it's like that:
surface point-surface point-1 x1 y1
surface point-surface point-2 x2 y2
And for
surface iso-surface x-coordinate x=x1 , , x1 ,
surface iso-surface x-coordinate x=x2 , , x2 ,
But how to do for line-rake
Can you help me?

LuckyTran March 23, 2018 14:34

I'll give you a hint:
surface rake blah blah blah

more precisely it's

surface rake-surface

With some common sense it is quite easy to figure out if you simply press the return/enter key in the Fluent TUI. It is good to spend some time to learn how the TUI works.

bako March 23, 2018 15:18

Thank you for your reply.
I know how to create Line/Rike in surface's menu.
I want to have the results of several positions in different simulations.
For this reason, I want to create a .jou file to do not repeat the task each time.
Thank you in advance.

bako March 26, 2018 10:21

Any help please.:(:confused:

LuckyTran March 26, 2018 16:02

The commands that go into the journal file are identical to the ones accepted by the TUI. The .jou file is simply a text file containing the commands that you would otherwise have typed manually into the TUI.

So in your .jou file instead of:


surface point-surface
you should have

surface rake-surface
and then the necessary inputs to define the rake. The issue is you don't know what these inputs are. That's why I recommend to go into the TUI and find out.

ck3 March 27, 2018 17:22

Thank you for your help "LuckyTran".
I had the same problem and I found the solution by creating the .jou but with this code: "surface line-surface", and it works perfectly.
Thanks again

bako April 1, 2018 01:46

Any help ck3.

ck3 April 1, 2018 17:00

See your pm.

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