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mohammad sabeti April 21, 2018 05:43

DPM Model
Dear everyone,
I modeled the air flow injected (with rate of 3 L/min =6e-5 kg/s ) into a batch stirred tank reactor with 10 L volume (filled by water) by using DPM in FLUENT. I calculated the value of DPM concentration by volume weighted average method in whole domain and 0.0205 kg /m3 was obtained. By use of DPM concentration (0.0205 kg /m3) and considering the molecular weight of air (28.97) and the amount of 22.4 L per mole of gas, the volume fraction (V-air/ V-water) was obtained 0.016 (v/v).
Is it right method to volume fraction calculation?
Is the DPM method suitable for this?
I appreciate your guidance

Светлана April 22, 2018 20:19

- This volume fraction calculation looks good to me.

- The suitability of DPM for this may be checked by comparing your results with results from the experiment.

- If there is no experimental data available for this configuration then you may wish to look for a similar configuration in literature. Someone here may be able to suggest what to do based on their experience.

- When using DPM I suspect you may also need to know the radius of the bubbles. Flow with large bubbles of air would behave different to flow with small bubbles, even if their concentrations are identical. That is something that I do not see in your description.

mohammad sabeti April 23, 2018 02:46

Hi Светлана,
thanks for your consideration,
The air particle diameter was 0.4 cm.

bonndchris28 April 23, 2018 05:57

You could verify your calculation by finding dpm mass in domain and then dividing it by density to calculate volume

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