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Water Sphere reacting to flow of air modelling

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Old   May 25, 2018, 10:29
Default Water Sphere reacting to flow of air modelling
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J Philip
Join Date: May 2018
Location: A place where no one uses fluent
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Hi guys so this is my problem.

I want to model a water droplet( sphere of water liquid) fixed in space reacting to the flow of air. The goal is to see the reactions of the water molecules inside the droplet, which will be vortices. I assume streamlines of the initial position of the water to a steady state version is what I will want to see.

I have made a cylinder and a water droplet assembly in CREO 3.0 and have transported it into design-modeler using an igs file. The program now reads it as a design-modeler file.

I have the student version of Fluent 19.0. The mesh has about 500,000 elements so i believe I am pushing the limit of 512k elements. The water droplet has a pretty high res mesh.

How should I set up this problem? I have heard patching also works but I already have technically patched a zone by creating the geometry in creo that shows up as a separate body in the Meshing tool.

I know this will be a multi-phase model, I believe I should pick the VOF model. But I don't know.

What is supposed to happen is the air flowing over the water sphere will cause the outer part of the sphere to flow in the same direction as the air while the interior of the droplet since it has 0 velocity will move opposite to the sphere. this will cause interior vortexes. I want the streamlines to show how the water moves inside the sphere at a steady state.

basically can I model streamlines of stationary particles reacting to a stimuli and then moving.

This is my first post so please try to help me out in what I should ask and how I should word it. Thx
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air, droplet, fluent, multi phase, water

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