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Jiricbeng June 6, 2018 04:46

Fluent core number specification - 2 computers

Fluent allows to distribute an analysis to several computers and you can set total core number. Then Fluent distributes the number of cores per each computer on its own.
Is there any way to specify the number of cores for each computer individually? For example, computer A - 4 cores and computer B - 5 cores. In CFX you can do that easily in solver setup, but I cant figure out how to do that in Fluent.
Thank you very much.

LuckyTran June 6, 2018 09:22

Yes. Probably the easiest way is to specify the hostnames and put computer A 4 times and computer B 5 times. Find this screen in the GUI when you launch Fluent. Then use the distributed memory on a cluster option and you have two options. Write the machine names directly into the little bar or specify a file that has these machine names. If you launch from a text window, it's probably easier to specify the machine file.

Solver setup... sounds like you are using workbench. Can't help you there.

Jiricbeng June 7, 2018 02:45

Thank you for your reply. Yes I managed to use the distributed memory, I write the machine names directly into the little bar, it works. But Fluent divides the total core number on its own.

So, could you please explain in more detail what you mean "put computer A 4 times and computer B 5 times". Where shall I "put" computer A and B ? Is it somewhere in the window when I launch Fluent in GUI ?

PS: Solver setup - in CFX I meant the CFX window which pops up when you start CFX solver, not necessarily in workbench.

Thank you verry much for your reply.

Jiricbeng June 18, 2018 10:47

Any ideas please?

LuckyTran June 18, 2018 11:42

Also in the little bar but instead of


computerA computerB
you should write

computerA computerA computerA computerA computerB comuterB computerB computerB computerB
This tells Fluent the priority it should assign the processes to. Note that order matters. In this example it will use up all 4 on computerA before it assigns any to computerB. If you want to stripe it across two machines (which is a bad idea but a good example nonetheless) and alternate ABABABABB then you would write something like:

computerA computerB computerA computerB computerA comuterB computerA computerB computerB

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