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SarahIb June 12, 2018 07:28

Convergence problem

I'm trying to launch a simulation with a moving piston and valves (using udf) the problem is that I always have a temperature and pressure divergence.
I've tried to change the parametres in the solution control but the problem remain the same.
Is there other solution for my problem .

Ps : i checked the quality mesh and the udf are correct.
You can see the attached files for more details about the simulation.
Please help.:)

Time step : 0.00001

RaiderDoctor June 12, 2018 10:50

Your time step seems very small. This may be causing your solution to diverge, have you adjusted this to see if it helped?

SarahIb June 13, 2018 03:32

I can't go any higher than 0.00001 due to my dymanic mesh and moving parts, if so i get a negative volume. anyone else has a suggestion ?:)

SarahIb June 13, 2018 05:08

2 Attachment(s)
My factors : Attachment 64001

My job with the calcul : Attachment 64003


RaiderDoctor June 13, 2018 13:28

So long as you set your dynamic mesh conditions correctly, you pretty much take as large as a time step as you want. The file you posted is your output file from fluent?

If you are using advanced settings, I may be outside my realm of knowledge haha.

Could you post an image of your dynamic mesh settings? Also, is there anyway you post your case and data for your setup? Maybe we can have a look.

SarahIb June 21, 2018 05:30

3 Attachment(s)

The file i sent is the journal from my calcul from the cluster.

You can see here the settings from dynamic mesh :
Attachment 64146
Attachment 64147
Attachment 64148

I can't send the case, the size doesn't fit here.

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