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AKulkarni July 27, 2018 14:46

Write Profile Variable File Name
I would like Fluent to write a profile file for the temperature on the wall at the end of every time step. I am using the execute commands option to try and write the profile every timestep. The command I am using for write profile is as follows: //file/write-profile surface_name and then I have blank commands entered in the execute commands dialog box to skip naming additional surface names and then a command that just says what variable I want to write a profile for (temperature). The problem I run into is that I want to index the filename every timestep so it is easy to keep track off. For this, I have tried the ti-menu-load-string(format #f "" delta-time") command instead of the "" as earlier mentioned. But that doesn't update the variable as it should. Any recommendations on how I should get it to update the filename every timestep? Thanks.

LuckyTran July 28, 2018 01:51

Use () to end a list

AKulkarni July 30, 2018 09:49


Originally Posted by LuckyTran (Post 700755)
Use () to end a list

I'm not sure what you mean. Could you please elaborate? Thank you.

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