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swadejaxsun August 14, 2018 10:26

Change units of animation

I have all my animation files (.hsf) for a completed run, but the colorbar is in m/s. I need it in ft/s.

Is there a way in Fluent (or even CFD-Post) to convert the units displayed in the colorbar?


LuckyTran August 14, 2018 12:58

In the GUI go too setting up the domain => units and you can change all the units used by Fluent.

In the TUI you can use:

define/units velocity ft/s

swadejaxsun August 14, 2018 13:28

Yes that would work before a run was made.

I did try to change the units there, but that doesn't change how the colorbar is displayed when doing a playback. It will changes the units of the contour plot that is used for animation, but not the colorbar on the animation.

I'm looking at how to change the units of the colorbar on an animation after the run has been completed.

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