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busraeren November 23, 2018 03:58

Moment Calculation
Hello everyone. I am working on a project which i use a rocket with canted fin as a model in FLUENT. In order to find the spin rate my canted fin generates, i made some hand calculations and found a spin rate. I want to test my calculations in fluent so i meshed my rocket geometry. Rocket walls are stationary and my fluid domain is rotating with the spin rate i calculated. Moment report dhould be 0 when i enter the right spin rate.

In my case i am rotating the domain with frame motion in FLUENT but i cannot be sure of validity of my case. For moment report i enter center of pressure as reference length. Velocity calculations are relative. I use pressure based solver with PRESTO! pressure solver. Mach number is 0.3. I choose wall as moving but its 0 rad/s. Problem is residuals are always linear no change at all.

I need some recommendations about rotating fluid domain to obtain correct Moment force report.

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