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Mohawk December 27, 2018 13:38

UDF for y displacement
Need help

I am working on a Stirling engine , To describe the motion of piston , I have written a UDF for the y displacement or position . Is it correct

* moving piston-CG movement of piston*/

#include "udf.h"

real x

y = 0.06869+0.06496 * (sin(3.14*(x-0.22597)/0.54806));



AlexanderZ December 28, 2018 00:28

It seems, that your code is not correct,
use Ansys FLuent Customization manual for more information
"Dynamic Mesh DEFINE Macros"

best regards

Mohawk December 28, 2018 03:21

Dear AlexanderZ

could you help me with correction of this udf ?


RCamp December 28, 2018 09:37

You’re missing some variables such as omega I believe.

RCamp December 28, 2018 09:40

It should be DEFINE_CG_MOTION(whatever_name, dt,vel, omega, time ,dtime)

RCamp December 28, 2018 09:53

With that I also believe you should add vector placements. So your y should be vel[1] = whatever. [1] here saying the y direction. Omega should probably be added as well where it would be omega[2]=0.0 and I would probably even have a vel[0]=0.0. This may not be necessary.

Additionally, I do not think Ansys knows what “x” is here. Instead use vel[0] or you may have to look up in the manual what Ansys stores it’s positions as. I am unsure what your x is rather it is velocity or position.



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