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Roh January 5, 2019 13:56

Suggestion for doing project! [volumetric reaction][H2+O2 reaction][explosion]
I'm thinking to simulate an explosion of H2+O2 reaction in a 2D domain (a 2d room) which contains Air and a well-mixed of H2+O2 separately. Here is a schematic of the domain:

I want to use the volumetric reaction method to do this job. It's knida detonation. How can I do it? I'm thinking to make three zones - a zone for air and another zone for H2+O2 and another zone within the last one for patching. But it's not that simple you see. If you make these three zones in Ansys meshing and translate it to the fluent, you will get this warning:


Warning: zone of type interior found between different fluids! Material of cell zone 10 is air, while material of cell zone 11 is hydrogen-air.
This will adversely affect the solution.
Please correct the setup.

How can I figure it out? Any suggestion to do this project?

LuckyTran January 5, 2019 14:27

Mesh 1 cell zone. If you've already meshed it and are too lazy to start over, just merge them all into 1 cell zone.

The rest is initialization in Fluent. You just use some cell registers to patch each zone with the desired mass fractions and temperature and what not.

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