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RobinReiban April 2, 2019 15:01

Effect Sloshing in a tank of water with CFD
1 Attachment(s)
Hello, I have been modeling a tank under a seismic excitement, for which I have received several recommendations but with some I have had different problems.
They could recommend a procedure to submit my fluid in ANSYS CFD to an earthquake.
They recommended me to use the "Dynamic mesh" option and write an udf with the speed applied to the walls of my tank, but I could not program the UDF file effectively (* .c).

I was also recommended to use the option "DEFINE_PROFILE", and write a UDF with the seismic velocity values ​​in the "Boudary conditions" option applied to the walls of my fluid, however my analytical results determine a shear force 30% of the total weight at the base (horizontal force), and when performing my simulation in ansys, the shear force is around 0.5% of the total weight, which is why I am beginning to believe that this procedure is not correct.

I would like to know if I have more training to do my simulation, or how to write a UDF for the option "Dynamic mesh"
Attachment 69211
Attached UDF file for the first 10 steps only,
PD: the seismic simulation dt = 0.01s for a total of 1000 steps worse this arcgivo I have cut it to simplify

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