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Outrageous June 3, 2019 00:54

Unable to get .dat files in hpc
Hello, I'm unable to get data files.The job is submitted and it also runs. Given are the jou and slurm files.

; Read case file
rc bubble-002.cas
; Read data file
rd bubble-002.dat
; initialize the solution
; /solve/initialize/initialize-flow
/solve/dual-time-iterate/25000, 200
/solve/iterate 25000
/file/auto-save/data-frequency 10
/file/auto-save/append-file-name-with time-step 4
/file/write-case-data "bubble-002-1.cas"

#SBATCH --job-name=bubble-002
#SBATCH --error=bubbleerr.txt
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=#####################
#SBATCH --partition=CLUSTER
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
##SBATCH -w compute-1-20,compute-1-26
#SBATCH --time=7-24:00:00
##SBATCH --mem=30000
#####module load ansys/19.2
#####fluent -g 2ddp -t8 < bubble-002.jou > bubble-002.txt
fluent 2ddp -g -t$SLURM_NTASKS -mpi=openmpi -cnf=FLUENT_HOSTFILE -ssh < bubble-002.jou > output.txt

Any help appreciated.

bloodflow June 3, 2019 06:49

Is your case transient? I assume it is because you are using the 'dti command'

You do not need the /solve/iterate 25000 line because you are already specifying that.

What is the console output in the slurm file?

Outrageous June 3, 2019 23:55

Hi, yes the case is transient and the slurm output in the console is stating that the job is submitted. And as soon as the resources are available the job starts running.

LuckyTran June 4, 2019 11:03

What are the contents of the output file? output.txt

bloodflow June 4, 2019 11:15


Originally Posted by Outrageous (Post 735382)
Hi, yes the case is transient and the slurm output in the console is stating that the job is submitted. And as soon as the resources are available the job starts running.

You say it runs but does the model solve correctly? Is it not outputting results because it crashes before then?

Try setting up the automatic data export within fluent on your machine instead of using TUI commands.

If you are running without graphs do you need the line about display views?

Outrageous June 5, 2019 10:40

Hi ,

Sorry for late reply. The o/p file is empty, and the job might be crashing I haven’t ran it for a long time. And i did save the solution (case and data) from gui while setting up before submitting.

LuckyTran June 5, 2019 12:04

If the output file is empty then Fluent never launched and never ran.


Originally Posted by Outrageous (Post 735282)
The job is submitted and it also runs.

Oh it runs does it?

One day, we will require people to swear oaths before posting.

Outrageous June 5, 2019 13:24

I said the job runs, that’s what was showing in the slurm console. Instead of mocking if you help people it would be appreciated. Else never mind posting answers. This wasn’t intended to show how much I know or not. I’m having a difficulty in the process if you cannot help at least no need to ridicule. Remember, every master was once a beginner

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