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Confused between DPM and multiphase flow

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Old   June 21, 2019, 04:44
Default Confused between DPM and multiphase flow
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 33
Rep Power: 15
pchoopanya is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I am modelling a flow inside an axial compressor in a gas turbine engine.
The air is drawn into the compressor from the main inlet and exits the compressor at the outlet. Somewhere inside the compressor, there exist a number of nozzles which inject water in order to wash off the dust that is deposited on the compressor blade.

My goal is to determine the effectiveness of such washing system, so I decided to use DPM model in order to visualise the trajectory of each water droplet.

I have been reading through topics regarding.... single-phase flow, two-phase flow (air and liquid water), mixture model, Eulerian multiphase model, VoF model, and DPM model....... which confuse me alot.

My questions are....

1. What would be the best approach for my problem?
2. Since my problem involves AIR and LIQUID WATER... does this mean I have to run a multiphase (2-phase) modelling?
3. I understand that VoF also gives me the interface between liquid water and air, and hence I should be able to see how much water has hit the blades, the larger water coverage over the blade area, the better. Should I need a DPM then?
4. When do I use VoF and when do I use Mixture model?
5. I have seen many people are discussing about coupling VoF with DPM, why at all? Since you can see where exactly the water is, why at all you need to couple DPM to see its trajectory?
6. For my problem, should I run a SINGLE-phase with DPM to represent the water droplets? Or run multiphase-flow using VoF/Mixture model Or run multiphase-flow with DPM... what is the difference between these three approach?

Could you please help clarify my confusion? Thank you very much.

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