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fsaeengineering December 15, 2019 07:58

DPM model concentration
Hey guys,

I am working on a DPM model 2d analysis. I want to observe the behaviour of welding fume particles. these are tiny solid particles. Can you help me how can I create a contour and see the concentration of these particles in my domain? Just like other fluids like air..

I want to observe not only the path of these particles but also create a contour and see their spread in each point.

Thanks for your help...

fsaeengineering December 18, 2019 13:19

Can someone help me about this topic ?

johanning January 7, 2020 08:29


did I understand correctly that you want to represent particles in a flow (e.g. air)?
If so, is the air flow transient or stationary?
i have a similar problem at the moment, i am dealing with an ultrasonic field, which is an unsteady field, and particle movements should be observed. I'm using DPM Foam.
Maybe we can exchange information in this way and everyone will profit.

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