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motaz.medhat February 23, 2020 05:07

import chemkin mechanism into fluent
1 Attachment(s)
Hi all ,

I am trying to import a NH3/H2 mechanism into fluent but an error occurs when i try to import the mechanism and the fluent does not read the species.

I working on partially premixed combustion. The chemikin file is on INP extension and it is already attached.

I need help for importing this file to fluent

vinerm February 23, 2020 06:13

What error do you get while loading the file?

motaz.medhat February 23, 2020 07:36

the error appeared as failed to import chemkin mechanism

Jegan February 23, 2020 23:28

You can check the error in the output file(chem.out).

vinerm February 24, 2020 04:36

As Jegan mentioned, could you find any error reported within chem.out file? As such there does not seem to be any error within the mechanism file provided the thermodynamic database contains all the species. If that is not the case, then the errors will be reported as missing species data.

motaz.medhat February 25, 2020 07:03

I try to use the mechanism in flamelet of partially premixed model of combustion and the fluent give me the message of failed to import the mechanism. So I can not understand where this chem out I can check the error in the mechanism.

vinerm February 25, 2020 07:11

out file
chem.out and other relevant files, such as .asc, are automatically written in the present working directory. chem.out is essentially a log file with all warnings, errors, etc., which would help with finding the problem. As stated earlier, the mechanism file looks alright. Problem could be with thermodynamic database; may be a missing specie.

Mohammed Alsaffar April 1, 2020 07:19

I need a CHEMKIN mechanism file for diesel and bio-diesel fuels,any one can help plz.?


kjde21 July 20, 2023 17:21

Hello, please, I need you to help me.
I'm in the middle of an internship and I'm working on reactive flows.
The combustion model I'm using is partially premixed combustion and I'd like to use the FGM model to represent the turbulent chemical interaction of my combustion. Except that I'm asked to import the Chemkin mechanism, does anyone know how to create it? I've tried to use Chemkin Pro but I don't know how.
It's all about combustion between propane and pure oxygen.
Thank you very much for your quick feedback, I don't have much time left for my internship.

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