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m.lutfiaziz March 7, 2020 09:18

Feul Spray
hai guys
can you help me to simulation feul spray.
I have tried to do the simulation but have not produced maximum results. set up as follows:
-pressed bassed
-velocity formulation: absolute
-time: transient
-energy on
-viscous: realizable
-species transport: diesel-air
-Discrete Phase: continuous phase, DPM update, Unstable prticle, Track with fluid, mean values, break up model, Linearize source term
-set injection: surface inlet, droplet, diesel fluid, inject using face normal direction, scale flow rate by face area, dynamic drag, KHRT, DRW model.
-Cellzonecondition: diesel-air material
-boundary condition: inlet = mass flow inlet with species c10h22 = 1, wall = no slip
-solution method: coupled
-solution initialization: patch = pressure 1 bar, temperature 300k, species o2 = 0.23
-run calculation: time step = 0.00001
number of time = 9999
max iteration = 1

Thanks. is there something wrong with my input ??? I hope for your response

vinerm March 7, 2020 11:36

Fuel Spray
Is the objective to predict the spray characteristics or the reactions as well? One issue in your setup is number of iterations. You have to use minimum 10 iterations for convergence. Second issue is that you are injecting diesel as droplets as well as in the form of gas from inlet. If the objective does not involve reactions, as it appears from the particle type, you may keep it single species continuous fluid, i.e., air. If you are also interested in vaporization, still it has to be oxygen and nitrogen at the inlet, not decane.

m.lutfiaziz March 8, 2020 18:04

thanks brooo

in my simulation there is no reaction. true I want to get the characteristics of the spray. do i have to choose inert instead of droplet ??? how to sett i can keep it single continuous fluid species ???? please help me.

vinerm March 9, 2020 03:52

Droplet or Inert
If the objective does not include vaporization and boiling of droplets, then you should use Inert type. Secondly, if the objective is to predict spray characteristics, you do not need multiple species in continuous flow. Just use single specie, i.e., pure material.

m.lutfiaziz March 10, 2020 08:37

I ask for your help to correct this input.
I'm sorry if I adopted you. do you think there is a mistake ??

m.lutfiaziz March 10, 2020 08:40

vinerm March 10, 2020 08:50

Google Drive
I am afraid I do not have access to Google Drive

m.lutfiaziz March 10, 2020 22:08

can i have your email ?? i want send my picture to your email. If you do not mind

vinerm March 11, 2020 02:58

Images in Forum
If there is no copyright or confidentiality issue, I'd recommend attaching the pictures within the Post. If there is any such issue, please let me know.

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 07:21

not a copyright issue. I do not know how to upload my picture in this post

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 07:26

i not have a blog to upload my picture

vinerm March 11, 2020 07:32

Attachments and other options
Options for including attachments or inline images is available within the Post. Just look for pin symbol right next to the smiley while writing a post. Below it, there is a yellow image that can be used to insert images within the post instead of as an attachment.

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 07:44

5 Attachment(s)
Attachment 75495

Attachment 75496

Attachment 75497

Attachment 75498

Attachment 75499

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 07:46

5 Attachment(s)
Attachment 75500

Attachment 75501

Attachment 75502

Attachment 75503

Attachment 75504

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 07:48

5 Attachment(s)
Attachment 75505

Attachment 75506

Attachment 75507

Attachment 75508

Attachment 75509

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 07:49

4 Attachment(s)
Attachment 75510

Attachment 75511

Attachment 75512

Attachment 75513

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 07:53

this is my step simulation. in picture 17, i want set ambient pressure, i reading a refrence is not true

vinerm March 11, 2020 08:52

Droplet Breakup
As per your previous posts, the objective is to predict droplet breakup. Considering that, you have too many options that are not required

1. No need to setup a transient case. Steady-state will do the job. Unsteady particle tracking must be enabled though
2. No need for species transport. Just use single component and disable species transport
3. Use inert type for particle and NOT droplets. That way, particles will also have only one component. Use the properties of diesel.

Furthermore, I could not see any details of the material properties and operating conditions setup. Those details are important.

m.lutfiaziz March 11, 2020 09:12

oke mr thank. i will try your advice. my condition simulation pressure injection 15Mpa, ambient tempereratur 300k, ambient pressure 0.1Mpa. i dont know how to set ambient temperatur and pressure ambient

vinerm March 11, 2020 09:17

Operating Conditions panel sets these in a way. By default, the conditions are set as atmospheric. However, if the gas is considered incompressible, then it does not matter. Even temperature is not required in that case. If you use ideal law for gas density, then you need to set these conditions, otherwise not.

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