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johnleo April 11, 2020 21:27

How to write script to import pdf table for non-premixed combustion?
Dear Altruists! I just started using HPC for my combustion simulation. Can you please tell me what to write in my script to read the chemkin-mechanism file from my working drive? And if it reads the chemkin file will ansys be able to make the pdf table automatically?

Here is my current journal file-

/file/read-case-data FFF
/solve/set/time-step 0.00001
/solve/dual-time-iterate 500 5000
/file/write-case-data Results1
/file/confirm-overwrite yes
wc Results.cas.gz
wd Results.dat.gz

And here is my PBS script-

#PBS -N t_combustion
#PBS -l nodes=1: ppn=36,walltime=120:00:00
#PBS -m n

. /home/pdey/.bashrc


time fluent -g -t36 3ddp -mpi=openmpi -cflush -h500 < LNG3d.txt >> result 2>&1

Your help would be highly appreciated. :)

vinerm April 12, 2020 15:49

The commands will depend upon the model being used; TUI commands are context sensitive. If you read chemkin file, generate PDF, and then save pdf and case file then you don't need to give any of the commands in the journal. When Fluent will read the case and data file, it will read the pdf as well.

johnleo April 14, 2020 00:05

Thanks a ton for the suggestion, Mr. Vinerm. I was not copying the pdf file with the case and data file so Ansys wasn't finding the pdf table. Now it's working perfectly.

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