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ShubhCFD May 4, 2020 12:20

Absorption in a metal block
I am simulating hot air passing over a metal block and would like to know how to find out how much heat is absorbed by the metal block in ANSYS FLUENT or POST.

vinerm May 5, 2020 07:52

Heat Absorption
In a metal block, it is easy to determine the amount of heat adsorbed. If you are using constant specific heat for the metal block, then all you need to report is volume integral of \rho C_p(T_{final} - T_{initial}). If C_p is not constant, then you have to setup a volume monitor for enthalpy of block. This will plot a graph showing enthalpy over time. In the end, just take the area under the curve and that will give you heat content increase over time.

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