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Rakesh T May 8, 2020 04:28

How to keep fluid flow continuity between different zones?
Because of geometry complexity , i have done meshing dividing the geometry into different zones. But each zone need to have continuity with fluid flow, when i come to fluent there are "walls" been created between each zone.
So, I changed them to interfaces which are now becoming unassigned interfaces. Then by selecting pairs and clicking "auto create" i could make them assigned.
How can i create there is fluid motion continuity between two zones out of 4 options available(coupled,mapped,matching,static) ?

If the above procedure is wrong, please give me right way.


vinerm May 8, 2020 05:08

For flow continuity, you don't need to select any option. Just interfaces will do.

vinerm May 8, 2020 05:37

The interfaces are created because the meshes of the coincident boundaries are not same. Since those are not same, there are always some portions that are non-overlapping. Those portions do not have any complimentary parts, so, those can only be walls. But those portions are usually small and can be ignored.

Please us Forum instead of PM so that others could learn and I could be corrected in case I am wrong.

Rakesh T May 8, 2020 06:26

1. Initially, there were walls between different zones.
2. I changed them to interfaces coz they may act as stationary wall or moving wall which doesnt solve flow continuity between them.
3. Now, they are "unassigned interfaces" which i have to make assigned. So, i used auto create option, which made them assigned.
4. Now, they are assigned interfaces which are not a problem, but along with it walls were auto created for each zone again with the new name i have given in "interface name prefix" ...... The problem of wall continues.

Please help!!

vinerm May 8, 2020 06:40

Please read my previous post carefully. You can ignore those walls.

Rakesh T May 8, 2020 06:52

Thank you so much.. Got cleared

I have some other doubt. If we need to create a Fluid solid interface boundary condition in Transient Mechanical, should we use a face selction that is in contact with fluid domain or the body selection of the deformable structure

vinerm May 8, 2020 06:59

I am sorry I don't know much about Mechanical but no flow equations are solve in Mechanical, hence, there won't be any fluid zone. There are fluid elements in Mechanical though.

Rakesh T May 8, 2020 07:01

No problem.Thanks again for ur time:)

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