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neelshah0034 May 14, 2021 11:47

What is the TUI command for writing a data file in Ansys fluent 20 R1?

I was trying to run a small simulation in Ansys Fluent using Ansys TUI command list. When I was trying to write a data file, it gave me "invalid command" error.

>/file/write-data experiment01.dat
        invalid command [write-data]

Do anyone know what is the correct command for writing a data file?

RobR_CFD May 14, 2021 20:52

Hey mate, try this....

/file/write-data/ "experiment01.dat"

if you do this:

/file/write-data/ "experiment01.dat.gz"

you will get a compressed .dat file that is just a bit kinder on transfers.

BTW - you don't happen to know how to add units to an expression in TUI? I have a post query on that.

Have Fun!

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