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axz242 May 27, 2021 11:08

Simulation of ethanol flame from wick
2 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone,

I am trying to simulate a transient solution of a 3D flame from an ethanol wick. NOTE: I am also trying the same for heptane.
I am only interested in the flame shape at this moment and was wondering if you could help me with my problem or recommend a different setup.

At the moment, I have set the wick as an inlet on all sides for 0.3mm/s flow of ethanol at 400K (vapor temperature).
I have tried setting up a Species Transport volumetric reaction using Eddy-disipation and get what I need to.
But now, I also want to bring the inlet temperature down to 300K (the actual temperature of the liquid before it enters the wick). My guess is that to do so I'm going to have to set the wick as a porous media and make an ethanol reservoir? Or maybe I have to setup a multiphase model? If possible I prefer to not model the wick since it looks like it will be harder than it needs to be but if that's the way I'll definitely try it.

I'm kind of lost here and while I've looked on the manuals from ANSYS I can't really think of what approach I should use. Once I know it I can focus on researching how to do apply it but right now I feel like I'm trying to learn everything at the same time and making no progress.

There are 2 image attachments:
- One of them has the mesh (ignore the 200/300mm marks since they aren't relevant for my concerns)
- The second is a diagram of what the geometry represents.

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