July 1, 2021, 07:34
Help regarding Intel MPI in ANSYS Fluent
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Join Date: Aug 2020
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Hi! I'm a bit new to CFD so please forgive my ignorance. I've been, for a while, trying to get Intel MPI to work over a few core i5 PCs. On a fresh install, all worked well for ANSYS CFX though after a few months when I tried to do the same using Fluent, it didn't work. And yes I understand both use different format files (I followed the steps you find on the internet). The consensus of my colleagues is that one shouldn't change the PC's password after starting MPI for the first time. Also, the error I get at the start of a simulation is something regarding authentication. I've tried freshly installing ANSYS back again but it doesn't work. All the PCs are similarly speced and ANSYS is installed in the same directory for every PC.
Can anyone help? I do believe there should be something that can be done within the source files that'll get it fixed, though I can't find anything.