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baghfay September 11, 2021 07:59

Custom field function in UDF

basically i have created a custom field function within Fluent using the GUI and given it a name

within flent i can use it plot it and even do more calculation with it

however my problem is i want to refer to it within UDF but i do not know the name associated to it

for example pressure on a face can be referred using F_P(f,fthred) so i need something similar like F_custumFunctionName(f,fthred) but using the created custom function name returns error as it is not recognized and hence wondering what is the variable name associated with the created custom field functions and if there is any way to refer o it within a UDF

thanks and best regards

AlexanderZ September 13, 2021 06:57

I don't think, there is a way to use custom fields from UDF.

But any custom field is based on variables available from UDF, so you should make the same custom filed but within UDF. You may store it's value in udmi variable, and plot it later

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