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DPM particle tracking "flow time step size" and " particle time step size"

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Old   February 26, 2022, 17:37
Default DPM particle tracking "flow time step size" and " particle time step size"
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monali2015m is on a distinguished road
I have transient simulations with Fluent's DPM model to calculate a particle's path through the continuous phase. 1008 particles are injected in 0.12 seconds(from time =0 to time=1.2 sec). The target simulation time is 5 sec.

my settings :

injection settings :
injection type = surface
Particle Types = droplet
Distribution = Rosin-Rammler logarthimic
Start time = 0
stop time= 0.12
min diameter = 10-6
max diameter =10-4
mean diameter = 80
spread parameter = 8
total flow rate = (0.06468 kg\s)
Particle release method = constant number to account for the 1008 particles.

DPM settings:

- interaction with continuous phase
- update DPM sources every flow iteration.

particle treatment:
- unsteady particle treatment

tracking parameters:
- max. no of steps=500
- step length factor = 5

inject particle at:
- particle time step size = 0.0025

physical models: enabled the following:
- temperature-dependent latent heat.
- two-way turbulence coupling.
- stochastic collision. (child particles were also enabled).
- coalescence.
- breakup.


I tried various time steps and sizes this is my latest

- flow time step size = 0.0025
- flow number of time steps = 2000
- max iteration per time step =10

1- number tracked is never reported to be 1008 particles, can this be because of my time steps and selection?

with the given particle time step 0.0025 it should take 500 iterations for full particle release (1008 particles), so shouldn't I see particle tracked at this point to = 1008?
any advice would be much appreciated!!
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dpm fluent, dpm in fluent, dpm particle tracking, fluent, particle time step size

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