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PaulJones October 19, 2022 10:16

Using DPM

I have a simpel case of air entering a vessel tangentially and leaving it at the top of it. This air is transporting particles with density 400x density of air. At the bottom there is an opening where the particles should leave the domain, but no air can leave here (mass flux 0).
I gave the particles mass and use gravity. I see that the particles keep rotating in the vessel for ever, without descending down by gravity. Does anyone have an idea whats going wrong here?
Thanks in advance.

alainislas October 26, 2022 08:32

what is your particle size? particle velocity? Do you have two way coupling enabled? Please post some images of your DPM setup and domain.

Klavoir October 26, 2022 09:38

Particle diameter 1cm, velocity 70 m/s, no two way coupling, shape factor 0.06

alainislas October 26, 2022 10:36

Ok, particles are very big and very very fast!. At such condtions I feel that most likely your particles adopt ballistic behavior.
1) Can you please calculate the Stokes number?
2) Also, calculate the particle settling velocity.
3) Please post images of your domain, or partilcle tracks

Klavoir October 26, 2022 10:48


I will, but can Fluent calculate 1 and 2?

alainislas October 26, 2022 11:00

No, you need to estimate them ... These numbers will give you very important information of your system! Please read the theory

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