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sabrinam97 May 29, 2023 10:56

Fluent 2023 TUI Adaptive Mesh Refinement Commands

I am trying to use adaptive mesh refinement for a supersonic wedge arrangement in ANSYS Fluent. I have been using a HPC cluster with a journal for a few years, but since switching over to ANSYS Fluent 2023 the adaptive mesh refinement commands that I used to use no longer work. I keep getting the error '> invalid command [adapt]' from my job output file when it runs.

The previous adaptive mesh commands I used are as follows (these worked on older Fluent versions):

adapt set refine-mesh yes
adapt set coarsen-mesh yes
solve execute-commands add-edit densityadapt 500 "iteration" "adapt mark-with-gradients density space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0"
solve execute-commands add-edit pressureadapt 500 "iteration" "adapt mark-with-gradients pressure space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0"
solve execute-commands add-edit machadapt 500 "iteration" "adapt mark-with-gradients rel-velocity-magnitude space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0"
solve execute-commands add-edit temperatureadapt 500 "iteration" "adapt mark-with-gradients temperature space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0"
solve execute-commands add-edit combinereg 500 "iteration" "adapt combine-registers 0 1 2 3 ()"
solve execute-commands add-edit adaptreg 500 "iteration" "adapt adapt-to-register 4 0 0 yes"

The job then outputs the following in response to these commands, whereby the refinement doesn't take place at all with 2023:

invalid command [adapt]

> Adding densityadapt

> Adding pressureadapt

> Adding machadapt

> Adding temperatureadapt

> Adding combinereg

> Adding adaptreg

> Invalid real.

iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity energy k omega intermit retheta time/iter
adapt invalid command [adapt]
mark-with-gradients density space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0

adapt invalid command [adapt]
mark-with-gradients pressure space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0

adapt invalid command [adapt]
mark-with-gradients rel-velocity-magnitude space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0

adapt invalid command [adapt]
mark-with-gradients temperature space-gradient 2 no 0.00075 0.1 no 0 0 0

adapt invalid command [adapt]
combine-registers 0 1 2 3 ()

adapt invalid command [adapt]
adapt-to-register 4 0 0 yes

And then it continues to run.

I have now altered my commands to the 2023 guidelines, but these also don't work, where I used:

adapt set refine-mesh yes
adapt set coarsen-mesh yes
mesh adapt cell-registers add density type field-value field density derivative gradient scaling scale-by-global-maximum option more-than 0.7 q q q q q
mesh adapt cell-registers refine density
mesh adapt cell-registers delete density
mesh adapt cell-registers add pressure type field-value field pressure derivative gradient scaling scale-by-global-maximum option more-than 0.7
mesh adapt cell-registers refine pressure
mesh adapt cell-registers delete pressure
mesh adapt cell-registers add temperature type field-value field temperature derivative gradient scaling scale-by-global-maximum option more-than 0.7
mesh adapt cell-registers refine temperature
mesh adapt cell-registers delete temperature
mesh adapt cell-registers add velocity type field-value field velocity-magnitude derivative gradient scaling scale-by-global-maximum option more-than 0.7
mesh adapt cell-registers refine velocity
mesh adapt cell-registers delete velocity

But this also gives the invalid command [adapt] error.

I need to use adaptive mesh refinement on the shockwaves in the system every 6000 iterations in. Does anyone know how to do this using TUI in Fluent 2023?

Your help is much appreciated.

Thank and kind regards

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