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Geetanjali August 3, 2023 05:19

Incorrect Temperature Values
Hi. I am simulating an aluminium heat sink with 12 copper heat sources each dissipating 6W of power. I am getting temperatures in the range of 4000s deg C but I am unable to figure out the issue.

I am using Boolean operation to subtract my geometry from the fluid domain and using a body sizing for the source and a adaptive mesh sizing. I am using cell zone conditions to define the heat source with heat generation rate of 3.75e7 W/M3. I am defining a velocity inlet with 0.5 m/s and a pressure outlet. I am using a laminar model with ambient conditions of 60 deg C.

I ran the same in SST thermal and got a value of 130 deg C which seems like a correct estimation. I am required to do the same in Fluent. Please help me out.

MKuhn August 4, 2023 05:28

Check the energy belance, to figure out that you have in total 72 W. Try to start with a small heat generation rate and look to the temperatures.

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