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alphaNOVA September 22, 2023 10:59

Automaticly read journal file
i am relatively new to fluent and am currently working on a parametric study. My workbench setup brings a parameter specific geometry (that is then meshed and the mesh then) into a fluent case. I want to control the way the case is initialised (reason for this is that i want to initialise the fluid domain from the farfield and then interpolate a file onto only one interior of my mesh). According to other posts in this forum the best way to do that is writing a journal. I created one that seems to work but now i have the problem of how to run it automatically.
I found old videos where ppl selected the journal in the fluent launcher, but i dont see any option in doing so in R2023R2.
So how do i get fluent to automatically execute my journal when im updating all the design points? I also tried using the Automatically Initialize and Modify Case functionallity as well but i cant get it to work with a design study.

My commands were the following:
Pre Intialization:
solve initialize com-def pressure-far-field

Original Settings:
file int z-s interior-chamber (interior-chamber is the region i want to interpolate my solution to, rest of the fluid domain i want to be untouched and have the values of the standart intialisation based on the pressure-farfield)

/file int r-d ok "filepath\thruster_subsonic.ip" (i tried running the command with the ok and without - i get the idea of why it askes me if i want to override but im not sure when exactly it does that, i think my main confusion is when the system will perform the standart initialization)

It works when i hit calculate manually - but not when i want workbench "update" to run the calculation. Then it tells me solution failed (the exact same case and settings run when i start it manually).

If there is any other way to initialize the case the way i need (so farfield for the entire domain and then interpolate one file onto a single interior region) that would also be totally fine for me, i just need some way to get this initialization to work. Thanks a lot!

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