November 16, 2023, 13:32
NOx Prediction
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2023
Posts: 1
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Hello everyone, i'm new here and i hope i won't make any kind of mistake. I'm now using Fluent studying a blend of hydrogen and ammonia which burn with air and i'm trying to predict the NOx, but i can't go on because the results are not right and never change when i try to do something. i'm using the partially premixed combustion method and flamelet generated manifold as "state relation". As first i can't use the NOx tab in fluent because in partially premixed combustion method it doesn't allow me to select "fuel NOx" so i'm going for other ways, i've tried to define again the progress variable introducing NO and then i insert a FGM scalar transport equation as suggested in some scientific papers but at the end the results that i obtain are not different from the ones obtained in the first simulation with the wrong NO data and i don't understand why. Is there anyone who could gime me some hints or suggestions !! Thank you