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Importing I-DEAS unv file

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Old   August 10, 2001, 11:00
Default Importing I-DEAS unv file
Posts: n/a
Hi Everybody,

Does anybody have any experince in importing an I-DEAS unv file to FLUENT.

This questions was posted by someone else sometime ago, but it is still unanswered.

When I-DEAS unv file is imported into FLUENT only two zones are created, default-interior, and default-exterior.

Can anybody tell how to achieve a successful mesh transfer (from I-DEAS to FLUENT)?

Thanks for any response.

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Old   August 10, 2001, 14:22
Default Re: Importing I-DEAS unv file
Posts: n/a
From -----------------------

What are the options for importing I-DEAS geometry into GAMBIT?

GAMBIT provides six different options for importing I-DEAS geometry. The options are listed below in order of decreasing viability -- that is, Option 1 usually produces the best results. (NOTE: Geometry importation results depend, in part, on the original CAD model and the manner in which it was constructed within the CAD system.)


2. Spatial IGES and Healer I-DEAS supports IGES Manifold Solid B-rep Object (MSBO) solids. As a result, you can transfer I-DEAS solids directly into GAMBIT volumes. The results from the transfer of MSBO solids are far superior to those from transferring surfaces only. It is highly recommended that you check your volumes after import, and heal any volumes for which problems are reported. The default in I-DEAS is to export only surfaces to IGES files. The steps for exporting MSBO solids depend on the version of I-DEAS you are using.

For I-DEAS Master Series 6A:

File -> Export... Select "IGES" in "Export Selections" dialog, and click OK. Pick the entity. Click the "Flavors..." button in the "IGES export" dialog box. Click the "Solid Representation..." button in the "IGES Flavors" dialog box Change "I-DEAS Solids" from "Surfaces_Curves_and_Points" to "MSBO:_Model_Space_Curves_Only" in the "IGES solid representation" dialog box, and click OK. Click OK in "IGES Flavors" dialog box. Specify "Filename" in "IGES export" dialog box, and click "Export" button. For I-DEAS Master Series 7:

File -> Export... Select "IGES" in the "Export Selections" dialog box, and click OK. Pick the entity. Click the "Flavors..." button in the "Export Single IGES File" dialog box. In the "Edit IGES Export Flavor" dialog box, change "Assemblies" to "Map I-DEAS assemblies to Levels (IGES Layers)", and click the "Types to Export..." button. In the "Types to Export to IGES" dialog box, change "Surfaces - Convert to Trimmed Surface Type" to "143:0 Bounded with 3D Model Space Curves Only", and change "Solids - Convert to Representation Type" to "186:0 Solids with 3D Model Space Curves Only", then click OK. Click OK in the "Edit IGES Export Flavor" dialog box. Specify "File to Export" in the "Export Single IGES File" dialog box, and click "Start Export" button. If you are using I-DEAS Master Series 6, it is highly recommended that you upgrade to 6A or 7 because of their vastly improved IGES export capabilities.

3. Native IGES

4. Faceted Part File (FTL) An I-DEAS FTL file is similar to an STL file, but nodes are not duplicated, and the file contains additional information grouping facets into faces. In addition, the facets are conformal, thus eliminating the need to connect edges and stitch a volume. These advantages make FTL far superior to STL as a faceted geometry representation. To export such a file from I-DEAS:

File -> Export... Select "Faceted part file" in the "Export Selections" dialog box, and click OK. Pick the part for export. In next popup window, specify file name and absolute facet deviation. Note that smaller facet deviations resolve geometry better but increase file size and memory use. There is an option to view the facets, if you wish to see them for confirmation. Choose a prototype device. (NOTE: It is not a problem if the prototype device does not exist; after you click OK in the form, a warning or error will be displayed indicating that the prototype device has no free space, but you can ignore the warning, because the file is still written.) Import the resulting .ftl file into GAMBIT via the Import CAD form (accessed by means of the command sequence: File / Import / CAD. The corresponding journal command is: import ftl "part.ftl" angle 0 Delete the mesh on all imported faces. The original facets will be used as geometry for subsequent meshing operations.

5. Mesh To employ this option, export your mesh from I-DEAS in its "Universal File" format. The Faceted Part File (FTL) is preferable as a geometry representation because it has the same advantages (conformal facets, facets grouped into faces) and requires less effort (you do not need to mesh the faces in I-DEAS).

6. STL
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