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leung June 20, 2004 08:54

Solver option
Hi all , i am a new cfd user having the following question:

1. Is that true a coupled solver is always better than a segregated solver. How can i choose the best "solver" for a particular problem?

2. what is a boussinesq parameter ? i havent come acorss this term before in my study(i am an undergraduate student)

Thank all !

John June 22, 2004 16:23

Re: Solver option
Hello leung,

Well, the type of solver which would be efficient depends on the type of problem u r looking at.

Boussinesq parameter is basically used to define the bouyancy effects in any problem.


gopal June 27, 2004 14:26

Re: Solver option
Coupled solver always will not give good results, some times it will give convergence problem. And also it will take more computational time compared with Seggregated solver.

Boussinique term will comes into picutre when you are solving Natural convection problems related to heat transfer. It will say that temperature has not having any significant effect in the change in density. We can use when the temperature difference is low. If the temperature difference is high we should not use Boussinique approximation.

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