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koh June 27, 2005 09:41


I've imported a IGES drawing and am now trying to clean up the drawing before meshing it. However, Gambit gives me an error message which says that "the entity cannot be transformed due to it being connected to another entity or having higher topology". So, basically I can't do any changes to the drawing.

Does anybody know how to go around this problem? Many thanks in advance!

AJG June 27, 2005 10:03

Re: Gambit
You have to see how you imported the geometry to gambit, if you are using Pro-e for instance the geometry can be exported as a solid or as a surface, if you did it as a solid what you obtain is a complete volume. What you have to do is delete the volume but make sure you don't click in "lower geometry" in that way you delete the volume but keep the faces, if you want to delete any edge after that you have to do the same thing but now delete faces without deleting any "lower geometry"

good luck


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