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Differences between solid/ fluid mesh

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Old   March 14, 2006, 17:49
Default Differences between solid/ fluid mesh
Vidya Raja
Posts: n/a
Hi all,

Can someone explain the difference between a solid mesh and a fluid mesh? My understanding is that a solid mesh is one which meshes the solid geometry and a fluid mesh is one which is for the flow domain. Am I correct? How do we differentiate bewteen the two? Are these created differently or is the specification in the boundary conditions? Please explain what each means and how each affects the flow solution?

When I tried to export my mesh, it gave an error saying that some of my edges have boundary conditions that are unacceptable to Fluent. Wha could be wrong and how do I ccount for this? All these edges in my geometry are supposed to be part of the solid and hence I specified them as Wall. Is this the right thing to do?

Thanks, Vidya
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