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Marinos Manolesos April 18, 2006 08:46

Gridgen export
I want to export an 11 million cells .cas file from GRIDGEN but it seems to be too demanding on memory resources.

Any ideas how I could tackle the problem?

Thank you for any answers!

Makaveli April 20, 2006 11:49

Re: Gridgen export
Can you give more information on the OS, hardware you are using and the model you are generating

Also 11million elements seems very high, would it be worth defeaturing your geometry or optimising the mesh further (guessing at the problem).

Marinos Manolesos April 20, 2006 13:31

Re: Gridgen export
OS - H/ware: Windows 64 bit dual core AMD opteron 1.81GHz 4MB Ram

It's a hybrid grid for a 3-D simulation of the flow around an open wheel race car...

I managed to reduce the mesh to 5.5 mil and export it diractly from gridgen.

For the 11mil case I had to split it to smaller cases and then append them independantly in FLUENT. (grid>zone...>append case file)

Any other suggestions though would be very wellcome!

thx for the interest! MArinos

Guest April 22, 2006 01:03

Re: Gridgen export
Well, the best way is to reduce your cell count. Gridgen is famous for Structured grid generation, why dont you try and generate a structured grid topology? It will give you good accuracy and you will not have convergence problems what so ever.

Yeah, the use of structured grid will reduce your cell count big time!!!

John Chawner April 29, 2006 13:42

Re: Gridgen export
Fluent's zones also have an effect on memory allocation during Fluent .cas file export. Instead of splitting the grid into smaller pieces, you may try assigning a different volume condition (VC) to various blocks (e.g. Fluid1, Fluid2, etc.). Each VC becomes a Fluent zone.

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