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fluent job submission

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Old   March 22, 2007, 00:13
Default fluent job submission
Posts: n/a

For submission of job in parallel processor thru LOADLEVELER, I am using the command file:

#!/bin/ksh #@input = /home/phd/03/hvesisir/ibm_17thcheck #@output = /home/phd/03/hvesisir/test8_17thcheck_1000.out #@ error = /home/phd/03/hvesisir/test8_17thcheck_1000.err #@ class = dynamic8 #@job_type = parallel #@ tasks_per_node =8 #@ queue ulimit -n 20000 /home/pkg/lic/fluent-6.3.26/Fluent.Inc/bin/fluent 2d -t8 -g

and the script file which is icluded in the above command file is "ibm_17thcheck". The script file is given below.

parallel/partition/auto/use-case-file-method yes

file/read-case-data bhasa_ibm_18thmarch_200.cas



solve/iterate 800

file/binary-files y

file/write-case-data bhasa_ibm_18thmarch_1000.cas.gz



file/confirm-overwrit no




In the script file, FLUENT is reading both case and data file upto iteration of 200. Now I want to get the results for next 800 iteration which is mentioned in the above script file and the iteration should start from iteration no 201 and stop at iteration no 1000. But when i am submitting the command file in the loadleveler, iteration is starting from iteration no 1 beacuse of the line


and when I am removing the above line from the script file the job is coming out from queue without runing. So anybody can suggest me what modification is required in the script file.

I am very new to the fluent. Please help me to solve this problem.

Thanking you.

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