July 17, 2011, 11:08
Setting turbulent plane poiseuille model to periodic boundary conditions.
New Member
Saâd Debbahi
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 26
Rep Power: 16
Hi guys,
I’m trying to model a hydrodynamic channel, the plane poiseuille flow PPF, at Re=5772.22 in order to observe the Tollmien Schlichting waves, in the rectangular channel. To do so, I’m looking for a way to set periodic boundary conditions and link the outlet to the inlet for the turbulence to develop within a limited length channel.
I used gambit to mesh the volume but when exporting to fluent 13, under boundary conditions panel the periodic boundary option remains disabled.
How to set the model to recycle the outlet into the inlet?
Meshing with gambit, using fluent 13
Thanks in advance, any answer or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by QBeast; July 17, 2011 at 11:49.