July 24, 2011, 08:31
About the DES model
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 17
Hi guys,
I am trying to model wind flows over clusters of buildings by using both the realizable k-e model and also the DES (Realizable k-e subgrid) model in fluent. After the simulation, i tried to compare the results of wind velocity of the two models at certain location points with the wind tunnel data. However, i seem find that DES model result is similar to rke one and at some locations even worser. Attached is the result from my simulation and also result from a particular paper using DES on the same geometry with the same inflow wind and turbulence profile. Seem i can get similar result for the ke model but not as nice result for the DES model. Should the DES model woluld produce a better result than RANS models? Attached also my procedure and mesh of running the models. I just want to make sure is there anything wrong with my procedures in carrying out the simulation. Any help and advice would be appreciated. Thanks