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misagh April 5, 2012 06:04

h-x///Nu-x project is a tube with wall goal is to get h(convection heat trans. coef.).Water is entering the tube with definite tempreture and velocity.A constant heat flux is on the tube wall.
how can i draw h-x or Nusselt-x??
thanks alot...

Zigainer April 5, 2012 08:20

First of all it's dependent on how you define your temperature difference.
So I would guess its (wall temperature - bulk temperature).
In this case, I would create some planes along the tube and calculate the bulk temperature. Then create a function (4th order or what you need) and put this function as custom-field-function of tube length (hopefully one of your axis is along the tube, but as you wirte h-x I guess it will be the x-axis).
Next step would be a custom-field-function for h dependent on your bulk temperature function. That's it.

misagh April 5, 2012 08:42

thank you.yes i can calculate h from the formula h=q/Tb-Tw.since q is constant along tube/x axis/getting T can solve my question is how to calculate Tbulk?where can i find it in fluent?in REPORT...SURFACE INTEGRAL???there is not BULK tempreture in it.

Zigainer April 5, 2012 09:04

Surface Integrals -> Report Type "Mass-Weighted-Average"

misagh April 5, 2012 09:16 equations have not converged yet.i dont know what to do.i have reduced under relaxation... but no effect.
and before convergent i can do nothing.

Zigainer April 5, 2012 09:18

Start with first order and less mass flow (like 1/10), then increase massflow to nominal mass flow. All with low under-relaxation factors. Switch to 2nd order. Increase under relaxation factors.

misagh April 5, 2012 09:22

so my bc is velocity inlet i increase it gradually?would you please explain the under-relax...??

Zigainer April 5, 2012 09:59

If you have velocity inlet, just increase the velocity gradually.
If you have problems with convergence or even divergence it's good to reduce the under-relaxation factors. So your limit the change of your solution from step to step. This can stable your calculation, especially at the beginning. At the end your relaxation factors should be as high as possible to reach convergence quickly.

misagh April 5, 2012 10:30

thank you very much for your usefull help.

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