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Ralf Schmidt March 22, 2006 06:47

calculate k and epsilon from turbulent intensity
Hi there,

I want to calculate the inlet parameters for k and epsilon from my experimental results u', v' and w' or Turbulent intensity Tu.

How can this be done?


Ralf Schmidt March 22, 2006 06:50

Re: calculate k and epsilon from turbulent intensi
I found some eq. in the forum, but does someone know, were they are from? And for what they are valid???


k_inlet= (U_in*TU)**2

Tu=turbulent intensity.


e_inlet= (Cmu*rho_inlet*(k_inlet)**2)/Mu_eff

Jonas Larsson March 22, 2006 16:52

Re: calculate k and epsilon from turbulent intensi
The non-general part on those formulas is the Mu_eff=20*Mu_laminar equation, that is just a wild guess. It might be a fairly okay for external aerodynamics where the turbulence level coming in is very low, but for internal flows with more turbulence Mu_eff will be much higher. Then it is more correct to try to estimate the turbulent lenght-scale and derive epsilon from that. You can find the formulas in any book about turbulence modeling. I'd recommend Wilcox's Turbulence Modeling for CFD. If I get some time tomorrow I'll try to add the relevant formulas to the Wiki here so that you can get them directly online. If someone has them in latex already feel free to help me.

Jonas Larsson March 23, 2006 10:25

Re: calculate k and epsilon from turbulent intensi
I just wrote something about the turbulence intensity in CFD-Wiki here:

Someone should add something about turbulent lengths scales, viscosity ratios etc. also. I'll see if I get some time later to do this also.

Jonas Larsson March 23, 2006 17:05

Re: calculate k and epsilon from turbulent intensi
I also wrote something about the turbulent length-scale here:

Frank Smith March 23, 2006 21:15

Re: calculate k and epsilon from turbulent intensi
hello... For a diffuser with outlet/inlet area ratio of about 5, what value would you suggest for turbulent length scale? Thanks.

Jonas Larsson March 24, 2006 05:50

Re: calculate k and epsilon from turbulent intensi
That depends entirely on what is upstream of the diffusor.

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