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john deas February 20, 2007 09:46

Unstructured mesh processing
I have result obtained from an unstructured mesh (3D or 2D), and I would like to interpolate the values in a structured mesh. What package would you use ?

I am asking this, because, if I want to post process datas with my own routines, I can see how to compute derivatives on a cartesian grid, but not on an unstructured mesh...

Thank you for your help

john deas February 20, 2007 10:55

Re: Unstructured mesh processing
I guess I could calculate for example the distance to each node or the fractions of volumes and deduce linear interpolation from the unstructured nodes. But this would only be a linear approximation, and I wondered if there was some solution to take into account not only the current unstructured cell but also its neighbors.

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