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Help: Poiseulle flow benchmariking

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Old   November 12, 1999, 13:29
Default Help: Poiseulle flow benchmariking
Mohammad Kermani
Posts: n/a
Hi there:

I am trying to benchmark a compressible code in its laminar mode. I try to recover plane Poiseulle flow. But I cannot recover the exact anlayitic profile by the code. The code is based on Roe's 1981 FDS scheme meaning it is almost non-difussive. I wonder if any one who has done this work with a COMPRESSIBLE code before and have experience in this particular test case can help me.

If needed I can give the dimensions and # of nodes in each direction to get a better a feed back.

Basically what I want to know, is this a good test case to verify a compressible code?

Thanks for your help Mohammad

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Old   November 12, 1999, 17:15
Default Re: Help: Poiseulle flow benchmariking
John C. Chien
Posts: n/a
(1).For incompressible flow, you need to know the Reynolds number. From there, it will branch out into laminar and turbulent flows. (2). For compressible flow, you need to know the Reynolds number and the Mach number as well. The Mach number will determine whether you will have shock waves or not. (3). These factors will determine the types of problem you are trying to solve. (it is very important to mention these numbers in order to get any answer) (4). Among the possible problems are: flow over a flat plate, flow over a wedge, flow over a step, flow over a cylinder, fully-developed pipe flow, developing pipe entrance flow,.... (5). I would strongly suggest that you look through AIAA Journals for method development papers in Navier-Stokes equations. Most method development papers will have some test cases included in the paper. It is then much easier to follow their conditions, mesh and check the results. (6). For subsonic flow, the flow over a flat plate should be able to test the code's capability to handle the viscous boundary. For supersonic flow, the flow over a wedge should be able to check the code's capability to handle the shock wave. To check the capability to handle the shock-boundary layer interaction with/without flow separation, the flow over a ramp is commonly used. For transonic flow, the flow over an airfoil has been widely used.
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