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Stéphane October 15, 2008 12:56

flovent vs fluent
Hi everybody, I am an engineer. Im using Fluent for HVAC simulations. I have a pretty good experience of Fluent but still it can take a long time to build a model. for instance, to model natural convection with high rayleigh number in an atrium , its very tricky to get the model to converge or to build the mesh if the atrium is big. Im going to try Flovent soon and I have been told that it can solve that kind of models very quickly and that you can build the model in like two days. Did someone has an experience of the two softwares? How can Flovent easily solve that kind of problem with a mesh that is generated automatically when you need to have a very good mesh if you want fluent solvers to converge? Thanks for your answers Stéphane

alex October 15, 2008 16:44

Re: flovent vs fluent
the fact that solution converged, has nothing to do with a much more important question of what it is it converged to.... by adding diffusion (via discretization, relaxation, viscocity dumping, turbulence model or whatever your particular solver calls it) you can converge anything to anything in as many iterations as you want. Why don't you find some experimental data, preferrably for a simple case, preferrably not available to that specific sales person you are talking to and ask them to reproduce the data in their simulation. Then your decision becomes very simple, error.vs.time to run for your specific application....Just from experience, buoyancy driven flows are hard to converge and more often than not have no steady-state....., but the Fluent person has probably already pointed that must build models with a small number of cells if you cannot run stuff in parallel though....

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