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luckygovind June 13, 2016 09:46

Gerris Installaion
Hello Everyone,

I installed Gerris but couldn't get gfsview. I tried to install gfsview in other way by installing gtk and opengl with some other dependencies but couldn't get it. Even while installing this i lost some files because of that i lost my operating system also and i had to reinstall Ubuntu. Please let me how do i install gfsview straight forward?

Thank you

joytonight May 8, 2018 17:41

Guides for install gfsview from sources
I installed gfsview on a remote linux cluster. And it is very annoying that many dependency packages have problems.

On my remote cluster, OpenGL and glib are already installed. I used gcc/4.8 and openmpi/2.1 to compile the files. openmpi/1.8 and openmpi/1.10 probably also work, but intel compiler does not work for pango installation (mpiicc).

Gfsview requires GTK, GtkGlExt and FTGL package. Beforce building Gfsview, you also need to install gerris. Installing GtkGlExt is very tricky and is probably the most difficult part. GtkGlExt requires pango and pangox. The package I used are gtk+-2.24.32, ftgl-2.1.3~rc5

I installed pango-1.40. Pango requires freeType, fontconfig, Harfbuzz and cairo packages. The following website provides the version list for the dependency packages for pango-1.40:

From the above website, you can find the correct version for freeType, Harfbuzz , fontconfig and cairo. Different versions may be incompatible with each other. The packages need to be installed in order, and commands for install each packages are
./configure --prefix=...
make install
make check #see if you successfully build the package if this command is supported by the package,

Then install pango-1.40. But GtkGlExt still requires pangox, which has been removed from pango package since pango-1.30 something. So I installed an additional pangox package.

Then I start to install gtkglext-1.2.0. However, it seems the package on gtkglext website cannot work with gfsview.

The error messages are:
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to `GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED'
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to `GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL'
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to `GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW'

The errors occurs becasue gtk Gtk+>= 2.20 replaced these functions ( GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED, GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL, and GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW) with macros. This bug is also discussed for installation in Ubuntu in the wiki page of gerris. But better solution is offered in

New packages for gtkglext can be find at
the file is in rpm. I unpacked the file using the following command:

rpm2cpio gtkglext-1.2.0-32.fc28.src.rpm | cpio -idmv

Then move the patch into the original package and apply the patch:

cp 0001-gtkglext-1.2.0-bz677457.patch gtkglext-1.2.0/
cp 0002-GCC-8-fixes.patch gtkglext-1.2.0/
cd gtkglext-1.2.0/
patch -p1 0001-gtkglext-1.2.0-bz677457.patch
patch -p1 0002-GCC-8-fixes.patch

Now you can install gtkglext-1.2.0/:

make install

As the final step, you can install gfsview.

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