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rmsubarta July 14, 2016 10:17

Implicit transient sliding mesh turbomachinery simulation
Dear all forum participants,

My name is Ridwan and I'm currently working on my thesis about tesla turbine simulation. In my simulation I need to set the number of inner iterations. I try to apply 1 inner iteration and more than 1 inner iterations (such as 2 and above). I realized that from the numerical theory the bigger the inner iterations value the numerical stability is also increased and this statement applies to transient implicit numerical method. What I want to ask is basically the result between the 1 inner iteration scenario and more than one inner iterations's scenario is different and when I read the tutorial of the software that is currently being used by me (Autodesk CFD Motion) they suggests to use one inner iterations for turbomachinery application and I wonder which one is the more valid result ? using 1 inner iteration or more than one inner iterations ? and Why they suggest one inner iteration for turbomachinery application ? Please help me since I've been searching all over the web and can't seem to conclude this confusion.:confused:

PS: the more than one's scenario yield a converge result in the convergence plot while the one inner iteration's scenario not. And I used the same time step size for both simulation.


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