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Inertial and non-Inertial Reference Frame for Rotating Flows

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Old   January 30, 2017, 05:08
Default Inertial and non-Inertial Reference Frame for Rotating Flows
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Emre Özmen
Join Date: Aug 2015
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Dear everyone,

I work on turbomachinery flows and i try to modify our steady state solver for rotating flows. I read many thesis and papers and there are 2 main different approach if i understand correctly. i have some questions here and if you can help me it will be very helpful. Thank you so much

1) Non inertial reference frame is used for unsteady solvers and rotating reference frame is used for staedy state isn't it?
2) If we use rotating reference frame we do not need to use moving mesh. is it correct?
3) in rotating reference frame we need to use source term for 2 direction in momentum equations and we have to add angular velocity in fluxes for absolute velocity and absolute velocity is substracting rotational and relative velocity components.

Above questions seems as sentence but they are questions about what i understand my reseachs. Are They correct or not? And last question

I will modify our steady state solver for turbomachinery as i mentioned before. Using rotating reference frame approach is enough for that? For rotating reference frame , adding source term for right hand side of equation and adding rotational velocity in fluxes for absolute velocity is enogh for this approach or i need any other things in mesh or another thing. and in literature i saw rotating reference frame with source term but not absolute velocity(rotatinal velociy) in fluxes. what is the difference?this kind of solvers are not common but i see one or two thesis and i think they are unsteady also what do you think about?

Thank you
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