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Accidental_Apoptosis June 15, 2017 11:06

Load Balancing Algorithm
I'm doing some undergrad research this summer and am tasked with writing a load balancing algorithm for an existing code. I will be writing in Fortran90. I have been doing a ton of research and reading and am having a hard time coming up with a template for what a simple load balancing program looks like. I know the basic principles and the process but I feel that I would gain a more intimate understanding of what I need to be doing and what kind of problems I might encounter if I could write a simplified example for myself. I was thinking of something like intentionally unbalancing a 1-D conduction problem and then writing a balancing algorithm from there. Any suggestions? Anyone know of any existing resources I may have not found yet? If it helps, the existing code simulates multiphase flow in a structured grid. I don't find a lot of literature on balancing structured grids but I feel like if I can even get a basic balancing scheme written I can start to apply concepts to our actual problem. Thanks so much.

arjun June 15, 2017 12:42

If you send me your email in pm i will send you at least one example code to get things started.

arjun June 15, 2017 12:57

Sent you mail.

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