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andrea93 October 27, 2017 13:26

evaporation/condensation with multiphaseEulerFoam
Hi foamers,

I would like to ask you something about multiphaseEulerFoam.

I am simulating a liquid metal divertor, which is a nuclear fusion device. Basically, a beam of particles (plasma) hit a liquid metal pool (let's suppose it is liquid water for this purpose), causing evaporation (such as water vapour). Therefore, I need a two fluid approach solver which takes into account compressible effect. That is why I am really interested in the solver "multiphaseEulerFoam". However, I found that in the .C file the temperature equation TEqn.H is commented. When I remove the comment and compile, several errors such as "TEqns.H:2:37: error: ‘alpha1’ was not declared in this scope". Because I am pretty new with OpenFoam, I couldn't solve the problem.

I would like to ask you:
1) if you have any ideas to solve the problem;
2) if you know where I could find any documents about this solver. I searched a lot in Internet, but I found really few material.

Thank you very much.

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