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Lord_lettuce November 28, 2017 01:08

Help Simulating Turbulence of Piston Geometry
Hello there,

This is a pretty big stretch however worst thing I can get is no or even no replies.

I have some, however as I realize now, very limited experience with CFD. I decided to take on the task of being the one in charge for the CFD in a project at school. I have tried and failed numerous time throughout the past weeks in trying my hand at various programs and simulation types to no avail.

So now I am asking if someone could help me out considerably by running a couple of 2D simulations to obtain the affect piston head geometry has on turbulence inside a cylinder.

Our project is to compare the stock piston of a ducati motorcycle with a new design we are working on to see if we can increase turbulence.

If someone here would be able to model the 2D profile of 2 or 3 piston designs compared to the stock piston it would help me immensely.

I would provide you with the dimensions of the profiles as well as size of chamber.


Lord_lettuce November 29, 2017 00:10

Hello everybody,

Last night I was very desperate and tired, I am proud to say I was able to acheive what I was looking for!

Thank you all, even just for the reading :p


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