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andrea93 November 28, 2017 06:19

laminar film condensation on a vertical plate
2 Attachment(s)
Dear all,

I want to simulate the Nusselt flat plate condensation problem, but I have been struggling without success for two weeks. I am using OPENFOAM 5.0.

At first, I tried to use the solver "reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam", modelling the condensation through the Antoine model (I tried many models, such as constant saturation conditions, but Antoine seems to be less bad one - I guess I set the model up in the wrong way).
After that, I tried to use compressibleInterFilmFoam, but I have many problems in setting up the file "surfaceFilmProperies", which is in the "constant" folder.

I attach two folders: one is the reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam case; the other one is about compressibleInterFilmFoam.

Please, could you help me to find a solution? I would definitely appreciate.
If you are still here, that means you read all the post, so thank you for your time!
Andrea Iovenitti

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